Let me tell you that this week's lab has me in shock, while I was in college I lived alone for 5 years

but I never imagined that such easy recipes could be made in a MUG!
Yes sir, I know it sounds crazy but this recipe took me 2:30 minutes and the result is AMAZING, and what better way to start your day in an easy way and with a breakfast full of protein and vegetables that help you start your daily routine with energy.
This type of recipe would have been my lifesaver during my time in college, because I know that there are many factors that influence students not to eat a good breakfast. According to Gregory W. Phillips only 65.6% of students eat breakfast daily. In this same study a significant difference was observed in the performance of a biology exam, being higher the grade of those who ate breakfast that day.
Also, a study by the American Heart Association Journal, Revealed that having breakfast can reduce the risk of suffering from obesity.

And as I said before, I know it's not easy during this time of collage to live a fully healthy life and there are many factors such as: limited time, lack of equipment, the price of food found around campus, not to mention the unhealthy food alternatives found on campus. And that's why this recipe is so sensational, because the preparation time is less than 5 minutes, and the ingredients needed are low budget, in less than 10 minutes you have BOOM! breakfast!

Initially this recipe contained ham, however I am not a fan of ham, so I substituted it with mozarrella cheese, which with the egg and pepper created a fluffy and
delicious texture, I think the addition of the cheese in this case was perfect as it melted completely in the microwave in only 2:30 minutes.
The fun thing about this recipe is that you can make AS MANY VARIATIONS AS YOU WANT, just as you hear it, your favorite ingredients in a mug and you're done.
So I hope you give this recipe a try, without further ado OMELETTE IN MUG RECIPE:
for 1 serving
2 eggs
½ bell pepper, diced
2 slices of Mozzarella Cheese, diced
¼ cup fresh spinach, chopped
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Combine all ingredients in a microwaveable mug.
Cook for 2-3 minutes, making sure the egg doesn’t bubble over. Stir halfway through the cooking process.
Kartashov, A.I., Van Horn, L., Slattery, M., Jacobs, D., and Ludwig, D.S. (2003). Eating breakfast may reduce risk of obesity, heart disease. American Heart Association Journal [On-line], Retrieved December 30, 2004, from http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3009715
Phillips, G. W. (2015). Does Eating Breakfast Affect the Performance of College Students on Biology Exams? Brenham Campus,. From http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=,individual%20of%20a%20younger%20age.
Mathews, R. (1996). Importance of Breakfast to Cognitive Performance and Health, Perspectives in Applied Nutrition, 3, 204-212.